Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Can't Remember How PR's Taste, But I'm Craving One

Big. Slow.

When I think of myself in terms of Crossfit the words big and slow describe me best at this point. This week I've been doing a lot of thinking about how and when I'm going to be hard and fast again. This August I plan to start back where I left off last October. For some reason I keep running the same goals through my head...

*300 lb deadlift
*30 muscle ups
*body weight snatch (@pre pregnancy weight - 150 lbs)
*3:30 Fran

How long will it take me to build up to a point that these goals are even in my playing field again? Will I literally be starting from scratch? I've done my best to keep the muscle memory on the more technical lifts, but my workouts at this point are just to keep Traeger and I healthy through pregnancy, labor and delivery.

Its been months since my last PR. In the spring of 2009 I hit a point in my training that PR's came daily, "another day, another PR." And they weren't just personal records, publicly the numbers spoke volumes of my improvement and helped rank me with many other Games Competitors. In September of 2009 I hit a 333 Fight Gone Bad score, In October/November I took a CFCP record in Fran, DT, and Filthy Fifty.  And today, I move backwards...Over and over and over again.

I day dream of popping off the belly, saying, "Hey Scott, hold this for me," and sprinting my heart out, flinging myself on the pull up bars and chunking around some really heavy weights. After that, I put the belly back on and continue enjoying Traeger's sweet kicks.

My all time favorite CrossFitter has always been Jolie Gentry. Watch this bad ass up against the men. This was one of the first CrossFit videos I ever saw. I had no idea who she was, but I thought what she was doing seemed impossible and way beyond anything I could ever do. Through out my games training I would jokingly encourage myself by saying, "what would Jolie do?" I just found out she too is pregnant and won't be competing in the 2010 CrossFit Games.

My Wods

Monday - In my living room with Mekenzie and Logan running around like crazy nut cases!
3 rounds
20 push press #65 (Sub #25 Dumbbells)
20 squats
20 knees to elbows (Sub push ups)
(This felt like a warm up, but I felt a lot of pressure on my lower back)

5 rounds
500m Row
Rest 3 minutes between rounds - While crunching the monthly CFCP numbers and attendance


Box jumps or step ups (Step ups!! Pelvic bone hurt the first round, but good after that)
Kettlebell deadlifts #70-100 (Sub #95 Barbell Deadlifts)
Pull ups (Mostly butterfly. First round sucked. Second round was in sets of 3 with one chest to bar!)

1 comment:

  1. I'm a big fan of Jolie Gentry too! It's a shame she won't be competing this year, but that's awesome that she's pregnant!

    I worry about the same thing, that I'll lose all the gains I made (and I'm nowhere near where you are). Hopefully it won't take us long to get back to our pre-pregnancy shape since we're trying to stay active. That's what I'm counting on! :)
