Friday, December 18, 2009

A Day to Day Murph

My days are spent forcing myself to put one foot in front of the other as if I were taking on "Murph". The most basic of tasks have become impossible to complete due to the relentless morning sickness I seem to be experiencing.

Up until this point I've managed to follow CrossFit Mom at least 3 to 4 times a week. Pre pregnancy, my daily goals used to consist of attempts for a PR or getting 2-3 wods in before the sun goes down.  Now, its a daily goal to get through just one wod, or even a warm up at this point. Kindel, my pregnant co-worker due 5 days after me, has been feeling great, craving meat, and aiming to do wods like Fight Gone Bad. I'm so jealous. I want to feel good and man do I want to eat clean. The BRAT diet suggested by my doctor is not doing it. Bananas, Rice, Apples and Toast, Ha! Paleo that Robb Wolf. I find it helps to kick off my mornings with a PBJ and a banana then move on to a breakfast bread of some sort, and another PBJ (all before 8am). Mind you, I wake up at 5am monday through friday. By the time I get to the office someone has brought me cookies. I swear people get a kick out of seeing me eat like crap. I will continue to pray that in the next 2-4 weeks I can go back to paleo and give my baby and my body the nourishment we both need!

Not only do I get to eat all the disgusting things I craved when I couldn't have them, I also get to cherry pick my workouts (when I feel like doing one).  Below is a list of a few that I've done.

3 rounds
20 push press #65
20 step ups
20 OHS #45 (I used #65 and it felt amazing!)


5 rounds
10 squats
10 muscle snatch (I subbed #45 and upped it to #65 with a full power snatch...again, AMAZING!)
10 push ups

A Dot Com Wod
Pull ups (I butterflied until my hands bled then went to a kip)
Sit ups 
100ft Lunges
My PR on this is 9:05ish - But pregnant and needing air it took me almost 20 minutes to complete. 

If you know me, then you've seen my obsession with nutrition and training. The pregnant person writing this blog is not the Nikki Isbell you've come to know. Just ask her husband ;) Love you Honey!

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